what i've learned along the way
. . . thoughts worth savoring
Published on July 11, 2005 By lobsterhunter In Misc
*** I actually wrote this blog over two weeks ago. Posting was delayed due to major life changes.

I drank from my very own water hose tonight. It was a monumental occasion. You see, I bought my first home today. It’s one of those cookie cutter houses everyone seems to be buying, but I don’t really care. I like it. I would attempt to describe it on here, but I’m not too good with elaboration, so let’s just say it’s wonderful!

A group of friends from my church and my two fabulous roommates got together tonight for a paint party. The previous owners thought mustard yellow and Aggie maroon were a good match. No thank you. We spent the first five hours in my new house priming the walls and enjoying one another’s company. The time spent with these fellow travelers was precious, and I found my heart welling up with gratitude.

I happened to have the most amazing friends on earth. Not only have I been blessed with a group of remarkable young women to call sisters, but God chose to give me a new set of parents. Tonight Cindy Grinstead cleaned my toilets. When I peeked around the corner and saw her scrubbing the floors, I wanted to cry. I always dreamed of having a mom to share the new house experience with, and God honored that desire. He may not have given me the biological parents I wanted, but He went a step further, and gave me a solid Christian couple who love me unconditionally and worry about me like a daughter.

Next time I’m tempted to complain about my lot in life I hope I recall these events and thank God for the good gifts He places in my path.

P.S. While I was away on vacation, my dad mowed my grass for me. I am the luckiest.

on Jul 12, 2005

"""""I am the luckiest"""""

I just want you to know, that's my song to you.  When I hear it, I think of you.

I'm glad you have Bruce......and Cindy....I guess...


on Jul 13, 2005
Thank you T, for this post. You are indeed blessed. And when I told Cindy about what you wrote, it actually brought tears to her eyes. We are proud of you and your "sisters." Even your real one.

Your "dad"
on Jul 14, 2005

even  your real one....lol....she has 3


on Jul 14, 2005
But I know only one of them.
on Jul 14, 2005

Your grandmother mentioned you buying a new house (we had the youngest two kids in the nursery at VBS, so we got to hear half the town "gossip"...lol). Congratulations, and here's hoping it brings you much joy. The house we're buying is the first place we will be able to call our own as well, so we know well the pleasures you are experiencing (as well as the pitfalls...lol).
on Jul 15, 2005
My main page showed zero comments. Sorry for the delayed response

Trin - I'm glad to know you think of me. Having you as a sister makes me the luckiest!

Bruce - You truly are wonderful

Gideon - I appreciate your kind words. My grandma is pretty wonderful. I'm glad you are getting to know her, and I hope you home in Lefors is a gentle one!
on Jul 15, 2005

Lefors is hardly gentle.

Everyone's pages are showing zero comments.

I miss you, and I'm falling into a state of depression.


on Jul 15, 2005

You know you have a soft place to rest if you need one.
on Jul 21, 2005

soft, eh?
