what i've learned along the way
. . . man I owe my parents an apology
Published on May 7, 2006 By lobsterhunter In Misc
Note to the reader: This blog is probably going to be a hodge-podge of unorganized ponderings. I haven't written in a while, and most of my thoughts are disconnected and scattered. Read at your own risk.

It's 2 a.m, and I sit here waiting on a friend's sixteen-year-old daughter to return home from prom. The weekend has been rather uneventful, and I've found myself reflecting on days gone by. It doesn't seem like that long ago I was obsessing over my own hair and make up, preparing for what I thought was the biggest night of my life. Of course, in hindsight, I realize how unimportant these moments truly are. Babysitting a teenager can really put things into perspective for you.

Life can be so funny. I never imagined myself here in this place. Still single and counting. My 27th birthday looms around the corner, and I often question God's will for my future. He and I have been on quite a journey this past year, and although there were moments I thought my faith might crumble, we still seem to be pushing forward together. Many of my unexplainable questions remain, but some truths have recently resurfaced that reminded of what is undeniable. Jesus does desire a relationship with me. Despite my humanity, He pursues intimacy with a fallen creature. Sometimes this is all I can hold onto.

I told someone the other day I regret being "good". Strangely enough, I never imagined looking back on my life, and wishing I'd been more uninhibited. Most folks reflect on their choices and think, "Damn, I wish I hadn't done that", but me, I often wonder how much I missed by being so black and white. All the years I spent serving as the president of the "Holier than Thou" club have left me feeling sorrow over the message I sent the world and the body of Christ. My limited understanding of what being a Christ follower means unknowingly drove others away, and I certainly had no concept of gracious Christianity. I'm still not sure I fully grasp the depth of His love for me or for the world, but I know it reaches much further than I ever imagined.

God does hear my prayers, and although He doesn't always follow my directions, He is present in my life. I still want to be in charge, and the battle for control is unending. I spend most of my life cleaning up messes created by self-will run riot rather than trusting in my Father's plan. Awareness alone is never effective, and God continues to chip away at my unyielding sinful nature. I struggle to believe, but I keep showing up. He keeps blessing my life, and I keep demanding more. I am just like the self-absorbed teenagers I witnessed this weekend. Gag.

So, back to my subtitle.


Forgive me for being a rotten adolescent. You deserve a medal.

on May 07, 2006
I liked your disclaimer, may I borrow it sometime?

I hope your charge has returned / will return safely this morning. 2am, huh? That seems a bit late even for a prom night, but what would I know? That was never my scene, the weirdo that I've always been.

So you were a good girl blindly following the rules that good Christians follow...and you wonder if some of the forbidden pleasures of life have passed you by along the way? Well you still feel the hand of Christ in your life so it looks like you're doing A-OK. You're probably not missing much by not participating in the girls-gone-wild lifestyle... Maybe if you feel you're missing some pazzazz in your life you could try your hand at some extreme sport...or even an exhilirating balloon ride? (At least that sounds good to me right about now.)

I'm commenting because we sound a lot alike at least from what you wrote in this article. I feel so similar to everything you said. Thanks for sharing.
on May 07, 2006
or even an exhilirating balloon ride?

Sounds like a plan. Thanks for your response. I'm not so sure I'm up for a girls-gone-wild kind of lifestyle, but I do seek adventure. I want to feel alive, rather than feeling like I just take up space on the planet.
on May 08, 2006
I love you T. And we're still on this journey together. I'm glad you wrote again...I've really been missing your writing. Let me know when the balloon ride is and Cindy and I'll bring the camera.

on Jun 08, 2006
There are two ways to push people away. One is to be so rotten that no one while have anything to do with you and the other is to stick to the Truth so that others will see Jesus in you and will hate you because of it. If the first is true then you need to change, but if the second is true then don't compromise. Jesus said that the world would hate us for taking a stand for him. The world hated him, so why would they think any better of us? Don't equate the bitter loneliness you feel with having made the right choices. Don't be like king Asa. The eyes of the Lord are looking for someone whom he can bless, but Asa didn't wait on the Lord and ended up having wars because of it. The quickest way to a broken marriage is trying to do an end run around the Lord rather than humbly following his guidance and waiting for his blessing.