what i've learned along the way
Published on May 21, 2006 By lobsterhunter In Misc
I've never really considered myself a "fun" person. You know the life of the party type folks are instantly attracted to. I've always watched longingly from the sidelines wishing I could be boisterous and energetic, a social butterfly with brightly colored wings. You see, it’s people like this who seem so confident and secure. I want what they have, but I’m slowly learning I’ve got exactly what I need to be the ME God created.

In the last few months my “fun factor” has come into question. Unfortunately, I am the nerdy, teacher type who likes the library and is perfectly content staying home on Friday night watching old Disney movies or The Cosby Show re-runs. I realize how desperately sad this may seem, and believe me, God and I have battled over this issue for some time now. I am tired of being conventional and somewhere along the way I began to see responsible and boring as synonyms.

I am not a rebel, but sometimes I want to be bad. I am certainly not perfect, but sometimes I wish my flaws were less visible. Life seems to be just one big paradox, and I ride the pendulum swing from one extreme to another on a daily basis. As I polled the people in my life I consider friends, I was quickly reminded that I do in fact have the fun gene. However, I can also be uptight and emotional at times. All of these qualities define me is some way or another, but I am not isolated to just one description. For that, I am grateful.

As God and I progress through this journey called life, I continue searching for who I am. My identity used to be so wrapped up in what others expected me to be. Coming to terms with this damaging survival skill left me with a sense of emptiness. If I’m not the little goody two-shoes I’ve strived to be forever, than who am I? My pathetic attempt at wild and uninhibited left a sour taste in my mouth, and I’m pretty sure that God won’t let me be that person even if I want to. In the end, I will continue to grow and be transformed. I will probably never truly figure out who I am, and establishing my foundation as a child of God will be the pursuit of my life. Today, I’m okay with that.

P.S. My fabulous little sister made me a scrap book a few years ago and one of my favorite clippings is a speech bubble that states –

I’m a little “fa, la, la” and “ooo, la, la” wrapped up into one.

I'll think I will let that define me for now. It seems kind of fun, doesn't it?

on May 21, 2006
While I usually tend to be something of an extrovert at bars or parties, there's nothing wrong with being more quiet. Some of the most interesting people I have met over the years were the "quiet ones".

In non-social settings I'm pretty quiet myself, preferring my own company to the company of others most of the time.

The trick is finding a balance between "life of the party" and "wallflower".
on May 21, 2006
I'm alot like that. I don't consider myself to be 'fun'. I'm not like alot of my friends, who just seem to blossom in social situations. I seem to disappear somewhere within myself. I am not good with people I don't know. I take my time to get to know people, and they see the 'real' me, the one that I do consider to be fun. I know that I don't always come across in that way though. A part of me thinks though, that people who do take the time to get to know me, deserve this 'reward'. The world doesn't work like that though. People seem to want to go at break neck speed, and rarely really listen to what you say. Wow I sound old. I think you have it right, we are still growing, and life is just a journey. I like the quote at the end. I think all of us have a little ooo, la, la!
on May 21, 2006
The only Important thing in life is to be at peace with who you are.

Sounds like you are on the way.,
on May 21, 2006
I think I am fun or at least friendly and outgoing. I am not a big bar or party girl but in smaller groups I have a lot of fun. I think I am intimidated by the big crowds. Try not to worry so much. Just be true to yourself and have fun, Miss ooo la la.
on May 21, 2006

Reply By: ModeratemanPosted: Sunday, May 21, 2006
The only Important thing in life is to be at peace with who you are.

now that's some powerful words MM! cookie time!

Life is a journey,  and I agree with MM that you're on the way

I asked my son if he thought I was fun and he said:  "sometimes"  which I think is fair and true. 

Somethings can impede the "fun" aspect of ourselves.  If I'm sick,  I'm like an old dog that goes off into the woods to recover,   I stay away from others for the duration.

on May 21, 2006
I've never thought you weren't fun. Whose standards are you going by, Neilly?

Don't be wild. Don't be goody-two-shoes. Just be you.

on May 21, 2006
The trick is finding a balance between "life of the party" and "wallflower".

Yep. May the force be with me as I continue to seek the elusive balance.

think all of us have a little ooo, la, la!

Yes we do! Thanks for commenting.

The only Important thing in life is to be at peace with who you are

I hope I'm moving in that general direction. I appreciate the encouragement.

Try not to worry so much

One of my favorite poems says this: Worrying is like trying to solve an algebra problem by chewing bubble gum. I've wasted way too much time on the pointless. Thanks for the advice.

I asked my son if he thought I was fun and he said: "sometimes"

This was the most common response when I polled my friends. Sometimes is sufficient. Being fun always would involve way too much pressure.

Whose standards are you going by, Neilly?

Thanks for checkin' in. I guess that is the deeper question. My standards have always been a little whack, and now I'm just trying to be me. Hope all is well with the pregnancy. If you make it back to the states anytime soon, I would love to see you!
on May 22, 2006
Ok, I'm going to weigh in even though we've had this discussion. One of the things I thought about from your post is concerning those "social butterflies" you mentioned. Some of those people who are the "life of the party" and "seem so confident and secure," are, in fact, probably some of the most insecure people I've ever met. And notice I said "some" because not everyone is like that. They cover up their insecurities with this outward "fun" person, but are always lonely, always wanting attention drawn to themselves. And to me, some of these people are the most pathetic people I've ever met.

You are fun, T. Sometimes. But we are all something, sometime.

Love you.
on May 22, 2006
Whose standards are you going by, Neilly?

That's right. Just kick those ideas of what "they" say to the curb and be who you are.
on May 23, 2006

"Heaven's not a place you go when you die; it's that moment in life when you actually feel alive."

~Robert singing in the car

Have you ever felt alive, Tenille.  Because I do, right now.  And this is what it takes for me; what it takes for you will most definately be different. 

Because we are.

I love you.  Sorry for the drama.  I know I always bring it.

At least life's not boring with me around.


p.s.  I love Robert. 

on May 23, 2006
I read this someplace a long time ago:

When you're young you worry about what other people think about you.

When you're middle aged you don't care what other people think about you.

When you're old you realize that other people never thought about you at all.
on May 23, 2006
Being fun is tiring and short lived when you want to be fun ALL the time. Been there done that, and just chilling in sweatpants while watching a great movie beats whatever others may think.
on May 23, 2006
Wow Tenille! I relate to that so much. I think part of it is that we're close in age and another part is just that we're alot alike. When I fist became a Christian and moved to Knoxville I thought I had to be this perfect stay at home wife, mother, housekeeper like a lot of the women I admired at church. No one told me that.... I put it on myself. I know now I can never be that person. It's not me. I've been learning in the last couple of years to embrace the unique creation of God I am. I'm not sure if I ever want to be a mom. I'd rather maintain relationships than a spotless house, not that I ever was disciplined enough to do that anyway. I've been able to eliminate so much false guilt from my life by embracing my personality. I also feel more in the center of God's will. You're on the right track! If we lived close to each other I know we'd be good friends!
on May 23, 2006
Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. We do seem to have quite a few things in common, and I'm thinkin' we can be close friends via the Internet. Hope all is well up north! Take care!
on Jun 05, 2006
"Heaven's not a place you go when you die; it's that moment in life when you actually feel alive."

What a depressing view of heaven. I'm not sure which is more depressing, to view heaven as something less than it is or to think that there is only one moment in life when one feels alive.

"The thief cometh not but to steal and to kill and to destroy. I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." -- John 10:10

I'm all for that abundant life and it doesn't have to last just one moment.