recognizing victory in others . . .
Why is it that we can always see God's miracles in the lives of others, but recognizing His faithfulness in our own lives proves difficult?
Tonight I heard the testimony of so many people who have experienced God's guidance during trying situations. There stories encouraged me,and reminded me I have a Savior who longs to control my chaotic life. Finding peace in the midst of a storm seems abstract and unattainable, although I have readily seen this quality fleshed out in the lives of others. Tonight, I'm facing some big changes. Life is in session, and I have some decisions to make. It's easy to sink into the spiral of self-doubt, but I choose to believe TRUTH! I want to smile while the waves crash around me. Unfortuntely, I have an enemy who desires nothing more than complete destruction of God's child. Satan is ruthless, and there are no rules to his game. Therefore, I must put on my armor, and ask God to fight this one for me. On my own, I'm toast. Oh how I long for this to become a reality of the heart, rather than an intellectual rambling. If you have any concrete methods for connecting those 18 inches, pass it on!