what i've learned along the way
Published on September 14, 2006 By lobsterhunter In Misc
Does it ever seem like your perception of reality is warped? I often feel as though my input sensors are defective when it comes to interpreting conflict and correction. A cloud of insecurity hovers over me, waiting for the right moment to prove what I’ve always feared. I am not enough.

Frustration overtakes me when I return to this place of self-doubt. My head tells me my worth is not dependent upon my ability to perform perfectly, but the messages of my past are so deeply woven into the fabric of my being. Silly, insignificant events trigger this diseased thinking, and if I’m not careful, I can spiral into a pit of needless shame.

The good news is I can recognize it creeping up on me. Like yesterday, when my supervisor suggested that as an educator in the 21st century, it is the classroom teacher’s job to sell the product of knowledge. The children of the millennium believe that paying attention and following a teacher’s directions are optional; therefore we must be dynamic and vibrant in our methods of delivery. If the kids choose not to purchase what we’re selling, the fault lies with the teacher’s inability to “advertise” effectively. This message does not sit well with me, considering I knock myself out trying to get my students to internalize the concepts I teach. No matter what kind of song and dance show I perform, I will always have students who are not prepared for the academic challenges I place before them.

My principal’s goal was to encourage us to seek solutions, not to make us feel defeated. So why is it that I walked away from the meeting feeling reprimanded and lacking in some way? Ironically enough, the message was probably not even intended for me. It was a collective gathering of all my 4th grade colleagues, some of which spend most of their day sitting behind their desk force feeding worksheets down the kid’s throats.

So here I sit, trying to figure out a balance between pushing myself to improve professionally and feeling like a total failure. Will this gnawing sense of unworthiness haunt me forever?

on Sep 15, 2006
It will only haunt you if you allow the feelings unworthiness to stay at your side. Frustrating I know. Teaching I would tink is an easy job and then a supervisor telling you to sell the material to the kids. How on Eath. Not that I would know. Hang in there the kids will learn at their own forsaken pace.
on Sep 15, 2006
Like yesterday, when my supervisor suggested that as an educator in the 21st century, it is the classroom teacher’s job to sell the product of knowledge. The children of the millennium believe that paying attention and following a teacher’s directions are optional; therefore we must be dynamic and vibrant in our methods of delivery. If the kids choose not to purchase what we’re selling, the fault lies with the teacher’s inability to “advertise” effectively. This message does not sit well with me

I have never before heard so much tripe! All this new fangled approach to kids and teaching.

Small wonder it does not sit well with you!

It is good you recognise when the feeling creeps up on you and are able to deal with it.

Pride yourself in what you do, do not let anyone tell you different. Look at your stats - pass rates etc, they speak for themselves right?

Lift yourself above it Walk tall, walk proud. You know you do your job well.
on Sep 15, 2006
I agree with Jennifer - walk tall, walk proud. I know you T, and you are not worthless. I've told you before, what a difference a teacher like you would have made in my life. You can only do what you can do, and I believe you do it with integrity and skill. Everything seems to be about selling something today, and the students just don't seem to be buying. We are having problems here at the college because some students come in with an attitude of "entitlement." They feel like they are owed an education and they just want to show up and pass. They can care less about actually learning anything. They are rude and disrespectful to the professors, and they don't care. There is nothing we can do about those students, just work with the ones that really want an education and have come to learn. Hang in there T, you are a good teacher. I love you.
on Sep 15, 2006
The only one that can defeat your mind is your self. When you focus on just you bad the good gets fuzzy just like when you focus a camera on a object the background gets obscured. Sorry I ain't really the best at analogies but you get the point. If you see the bad and and don't look at the good then all you will do is break your self down mentally. But on the same note you cant just look at the good then you will get sloppy and never improve. You have to throw them both out on the scale and work to keep the good side a little heavier. Its like the yin yang you have to balance it out. I also feel that a lot of the trouble with kids and school is not with the teachers but the home. I have heard folks talk about how it's the schools fault that there kid is not as smart as others. Just like once I was at a bar when I heard a guy bitch about the kids school letting his son fail. It is like it has gotten to a point where parents are expecting the schools to raise there kids and if there kid dose not meet the grade the first one that the blame is the teacher and in the liberal society we live in that is accepted. I may of gone a little off key sorry about that. I have never sat in on one of your classes I have never talked to your students but what I do know is people. I know that you are a gifted wonderful person that truly cares about teaching and kids. I am no teacher (I'm sure looking at the run on sentences and the terrible punctuation you guessed that) but I know what it is like to not feel that you are good enough to feel like you are defeated and I got as low as a person could get because of it. Your a hell of a lot smarter then I am don't let your self get that low. You are a wonderful beautiful woman with a gift use it. I don't know how much if any of this makes sense but I hope it helps a little. Oh and listen to Bruce he is one hell of a smart and insightful man. He taught me more then he knows.