what i've learned along the way
Help Me
Published on May 3, 2004 By lobsterhunter In Misc
I have a counceling appointment on Wednesday, and my mission (should I choose to accept it) is to define the term "normal".

Now, I know my councelor is making the point that there really is no definition, but I need something to tell her. I need to at least pretend like I've done some homework---some searching.


on May 03, 2004

Want to send him/her for a real loop.   Just say "Normal is anything that I'm not!" and start crying. 

on May 03, 2004
There are of course many definitions of normal. I suggest you use instead the term mentally healthy. Then thing of attributes of a mentally healthy person.
on May 03, 2004
I'm not asking, "What is a healthy person" I'm asking "what is normal" big difference.

Good idea Jeremy.

on May 03, 2004
on May 03, 2004
A normal person doesn't exist, but what one is theoretically is a person who fits the mean values of every charactaristic. Their abilities, values, strengths, everything would be completely average. Of course, that peron would ironically be the strangest person in the world, which is why the term "normal" doesn't truly have any meaning in a real-life society.

That's my two cents.

on May 03, 2004
Hey guy,
As a matter of science, the position is arguable that only POPULATIONS can be NORMAL. The concept flows out of statistical and empirical aspects of examining large groups of people. We all say that "I feel normal" or "Joe is normal," to mean we approximate some expression of the average, or that we don't deviate wildly in any case.

However, unless your counselor is a big bozo, which is unlikely---most folks who become counselors do so because of the trouble in their own families and personal affairs, which makes them very apt participants in any 'normal curve'---s/he will recognize that individuals are collections of human variation around only occasionally well-defined means and medians.

In any case, if you want to think about these things, try the following search on AltaVista.com: NORMAL NEAR DEFINITION NEAR SCIENCE. Also, you might check out www.wikipedia.com, as a good solid place to start on the topic. If you want more help, give a shout on one of my posts.
on May 03, 2004

tell her "J-a-m-i-e  B-u-r-n-s-i-d-e"

'nuff said

on May 04, 2004
I agree Michael, Jamie is a pimp.

on May 04, 2004
"normal is merely a setting on your dryer."

(that's from some famous person, but I forget who)
on May 04, 2004
thanks for the input guys

on May 06, 2004
Thank you all for your input. I particularly enjoyed the map with Normal, Indiana. Is there anyone else out there with advice?