I have this friend. At least she used to be my friend. Actually, she was my best friend. We shared everything, our lives, our home, our hearts. I poured myself into our relationship, and now it seems as though it was of no value. Eventually the debts began to outweigh the assets, and the emotional roller coaster we have traveled on seems to have come to a stop. Sorrow and grief are now my companions.
I was certain we would be lifelong confidants. I now know there are no guarantees in life. Human beings will fail us. Only God is unchanging. Only God can handle the depth and length of our need.
Learning to let go of the past, and moving on towards a healthier future has been an intense struggle. I'm not one to give up easily, and right now I am questioning my own value system and beliefs about relationships in general. Faking it has proved unsuccessful, so I figure ending it is the only possible solution. Loyalty and unconditional love resonate in my head. Is there ever a time to throw in the towel on love?